Question Marks

written by Anne Bolender

One of the most effective ways to gain clarity of self (to know who you are and what you want) or of any project that is important to you, is to honestly answer some powerful questions.

Below are eight of the most powerful questions I know for helping you gain clarity. The questions below are worded to have you focus on your business and/or your life. However, the wording can easily be modified to have the questions focus of any important project or activity in your life – on your relationship, or your career, etc.

The 8 Powerful Clarity Questions are:

  1. What is working really well in your business or in your life? What is not working? Make a list of the things that are working really well in your business or in your life, and a list of the things that are not working. Of the things that are not working, what can you do so that these things are working for you? Or can you eliminate these things altogether? Or can you arrange to have someone else do them for you?
  2. Of the things that are working in your life or your business what could be better?
  3. Of the things that could be better, if you do not address these things, how might they block your success. In your life? In your business?
  4. What are you on fire to create in your life? In your business?
  5. What does success look like or feel like to you in your life? In your business? What negative thoughts are keeping you from achieving your vision of success?
  6. What are you willing to chnge in your life or in your business in order to allow your vision of success to happen?
  7. In what ways are you waiting for things to come to you, instead of moving forward to meet them with open arms? (give specific examples)
  8. What your you most afraid will happen if you achieve your vision of success?

It might take you awhile to fully and honestly answer these questions, but when you have you will have gained a clarity of understanding that should help you move forward. A depth of clarity that will help you create a bigger, bolder, more awesome life.


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