fantasy hot ait balloon floating over a giant stone hand

an enchanted life sits at the crossroads of

unconventional wisdom and everyday magick.

Anne Bolender Profile Picture

Hi, I’m Anne Bolender.

I’m a Tarot Geek who loves to help people learn to use Tarot, Oracle Cards, and a few practical, everyday magickal techniques for self-development and personal empowerment.

When most people think of Tarot, they envision going to a Tarot Reader and having their future read for them. Questions like “Am I going to meet the love of my life in the next 6 months?”, or “Am I going to get pregnant this year?”, or “Will he/she/they come back to me?”. or “What career path is the best one for me?”, or “What is my one true purpose in life.”. or “Will I win the lottery?” You get the picture.

And these questions, and this use of Tarot and Oracle Cards is great, but….

There’s another side to Tarot and Oracle Cards that is far more powerful than this

Tarot Cards and Oracle Cards are some of the best self-development and personal empowerment tools that any and every individual has access to. Tarot can provide advice and guidance of everything from gaining clarity around who you are and what you want, to identifying and moving through limiting beliefs, to comparing the potential outcome of two or more options, and so much more.

Set a goal or an intention – Tarot can help you identify what next steps you need to take in order to achieve your desired outcome.

Not sure what your desired outcome is, Tarot can help you with that too! 

Once upon a time, tarot reading was about discovering what your future held. These days, tarot helps you craft exactly the future you desire. Sasha Graham

My mission and passion is to educate, empower, and inspire individuals to explore ways that they can learn how read Tarot and Oracle cards for self-development and personal empowerment, and create the life or business they desire.

So tell me…..What do you truly desire? 

image of the full moon half hidden by clouds over a beach with the moonlight glittering on the water. Test: re-enchanting your life membership

The Doors are Opening soon

to the



THE RE-ENCHANTING YOUR LIFE MEMBERSHIP explores ways that intuitive Wisdom and Everyday, Practical Magick can help you:

  • enhance your personal growth and development activities;
  • expand your creativity;
  • build online businesses that are in alignment with your authentic self;
  • help you through personal, lifestyle transformations in was that are aligned with your core values, and with your dreams and desires;
  • develop your intuition;
  • trust the decisions you make;
  • and more…….

The RE-ENCHANTING YOUR LIFE MEMBERSHIP provides plenty of opportunities for coaching and mentoring (both within the membership, and as optional extras) and for you to practice your newly emerging skills and talents, so you can begin creating the lifestyle, supported by the business you dream of!!

The RE-ENCHANTING YOUR LIFE MEMBERSHIP provides the information and the experience needed for you to begin making magick and enchantment techniques an integral part of your everyday life, and learn to trust your self rather than rely on outside forces to create the changes you want in your life.

ten ways tarot for solopreneurs
wisdom and magick facebook group

Not sure if the blending of manifesting and intuition and Tarot is for you, then drop by and check out the Wisdom + Magick Facebook Group.

Each month we run a small manifesting course or challenge, just big enough to get your manifesting muscles warmed up, stretched, and working. Plus there will be special challenges and focuses throughout the year – Money Manifesting, Intuition Development, a Tarot Scavenger Hunt, and celebrating the Omen nights that fall between Christmas Eve and Epiphany (January 6th).

Topics discussed and shared in this group include Tarot, Intuition, Manifesting, Practical Magic, Mindset and Identity Shifting, and more.

If you are interested either click here, or on the “Click here to join the Wisdom + Magick Facebook Group” button below. There is no cost to join!

I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

