blending the magickal with the practical to create the extraordinary!

Greetings and Welcome to Wisdom and Magick.
My name is Anne Bolender, and I am a Modern Crone.
So What is a Modern Crone – And Why Would I Want to Call Myself One?
A Modern crone is a woman, typically in midlife and beyond, who fully embraces her lived experience, personal power, and intuitive wisdom. She is not defined by age alone but by her deep uderstanding of life, her ability to navigate change with grace, and her role as a mentor, guide, truthsayer, and source of inspiration for others.
The Modern Crone steps into her poer with confidence, rejecting outdated sterotypes of aging and instead embodying a vibrant, independent, and purpose-driven life.
The world needs more Modern Crones right now.
Wisdom and Magick
The focus here at Wisdom and Magick is to explore how to blend unconventional wisdom with practical everyday magick in order to manifest our best life!
The Modern Crone’s sources of unconventional wisdom comes to us through our intuition, our life experiences and learnings, and various divination practices – reading Tarot and Oracle Cards, interpreting omens, connecting with Ancestors, using pendulums, developing our intuition, and more.
Practical magick for Modern Crones involves very personal forms of magick and encompasses magick and manifesting techniques and strategies that are easy and fun, and that resonate deeply with the individual practitioner. Modern Crones are very aware that magick is more about who we are, than it is about the tools we use.
Wisdom and Magick helps the Modern Crone become a beacon of empowerment, living proof that aging is not about decline but about stepping into a richer, more fulfilling and valued chapter of life, Whether through magick, mentoring, or personal exploration, the Modern Crone reclaims the narrative around aging and embodies a life of wisdom, grace, and enchantment.
Feel free to join me here and together we can explore ways we can use unconventional wisdom and everyday magick to become confident and empowered Modern Crones!