……….coahing and mentoring
one-on-one sessions that help you
create the unique solopreneur business .
and lifestyle you crave..
Imagine waking up every morning feeling excited to greet each new day because you know your life is awesome and getting better every day!!
Everything you have dreamed about doing or being is happening. You’ve created the business you love, the relationship you crave, the career you dreamed of! You’re changing the lives of your ideal clients for the better! You’re making a difference in the world!
If you could live the lifestyle you crave or create the business of your dreams, imagine what you would be doing right now!
Single Solopreneur Sessions combine the power of Tarot, Intuition, Manifesting, and practical Business Building Strategies with the elegance and effectiveness of coaching and mentoring to provide you with the clarity, belief, and focus you need to successfully follow your dreams.
Single Solopreneur Sessions provide you with some amazingly effective tools, techniques, and actionable steps that will help you tap into your inner wisdom to identify and create the life or business you crave!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau
The Single Solopreneur Session consists of three separate parts that combine to provide you with one very powerful coaching experience.
The objective of the Single Solopreneur Session is to help you quickly and efficiently uncover what is keeping you stuck, or where you are unaligned, or what limiting belief might be getting in your way, or what you should do next to keep you moving along your right path. Once you have identified what is holding you back through the Tarot reading, the private coaching session and the week of email coaching will provide you with concrete, actionable steps that you can start using right away. to get yourself heading in the right direction.
With the Single Solopreneur Sessions you get:
- One 6 card Tarot Reading,
- Tarot Reading will focus on the following questions:
- Card 1 – What is the most important issue that I should be focusing on right now (business or lifestyle)
- Card 2 – What is the most significant block that am I experiencing right now regarding this issue?
- Card 3 – What action can I take to overcome or break through this block?
- Card 4 – What advice do you have regarding this issue?
- Card 5 – What am I not seeing about this issue? What is hidden?
- Card 6 – What outcome can I expect?
- Tarot Reading will focus on the following questions:
- One 45-minute private laser coaching session,
- focused on the results of the Tarot reading. This coaching session will help you implement the Tarot answers into your daily life.
- providing concrete, actionable steps that you can begin take without delay.
- accompanied by worksheets and homework will be provided to help you stay focused and continue moving forward,
- Seven days of email coaching,
- to answer any questions you have
- to help keep you aligned with your goal
- and to help keep you focused on enhancing your success
Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot of coaching for you to accomplish your goal.
Sometimes all you need is some clarity on where you are going, and some focus to help you identify your next steps.
This is exactly what the Single Solopreneur Sessions are designed to do for you.
The price for a Single Solopreneur Session is only $180.00 (USD).
Once I receive notice from PayPal that you have ordered an Intuitive Solopreneur Coaching Session, I will be in touch via email (sent to the email address provided on the Paypal receipt), with more information on the Tarot reading and confirm the scheduling our private session. These private coaching/mentoring sessions can be held either on Zoom or by phone.