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Written by: Anne Bolender

For many peo­ple, living an adven­turous life gen­er­ally involves activ­i­ties like hik­ing the Himalayas, or going on Safari in Africa, or cycling through the French Alps, or jet boat­ing down the Shotover River in Queen­stown, New Zealand, or .….….….….….…

But.….not every per­son needs to leave the com­fort of their own com­mu­nity, or their own home, in order to be a great adventurer.

Today, many peo­ple are coura­geously trekking through uncharted ter­ri­tory and forg­ing new paths as they fol­low their dreams and begin to live their authen­tic lives.

I read an online arti­cle recently about a woman who quit her job to fol­low her dream of becom­ing a mer­maid. Today Lin­den Wol­bert is mak­ing a liv­ing as a “Pro­fes­sional Mer­maid” — now that is a modern-day adventurer who is living an adventurous life!!

Lindley Wolbert, Professional Mermaid

Today is, with­out a doubt, the best time in his­tory for indi­vid­u­als to fol­low their dreams; to cre­ate lifestyle careers that tap into their authen­tic selves, draw on their strengths and pas­sions; and to live lives they were meant to live. Martha Beck, one of America’s best known life coaches, refers to these adven­tur­ous indi­vid­u­als as wayfinders.

Wayfind­ers are indi­vid­u­als who know who they are, know what they want, and know how to bring their dreams to life. They res­onate with this quote from Lao Tsu and enthu­si­as­ti­cally live up to its full promise:

At the cen­tre of your being you have the answer,
you know who you are, and
you know what you want.

Wayfind­ers have been able to tap into their inner wis­dom and inner knowl­edge to bring their dreams to life. They are the Chris Guillebeau’s, Seth Godin’s, Jonathan Fields’, Pam Slim’s, Mal­colm Gladwell’s, Martha Beck’s, Lind­ley Wolbert’s — the thought lead­ers and mod­ern day adven­tur­ers who have  bro­ken old moulds and live life their way. They have cre­ated new paths so that oth­ers can also break free and design their own adven­tur­ous lifestyles.

Adven­ture is not out­side man (or woman); it is within.
George Elliott

The most fan­tas­tic aspect to all of this wayfind­ing adven­ture is the abil­ity to tap into your pas­sions in ways that are hon­estly, authen­ti­cally and openly unique. Martha Beck cre­ated a mag­nif­i­cent career tak­ing coach­ing clients on safari to Africa where they get to expe­ri­ence con­nect­ing with mother nature in the raw as they con­nect to their inner authen­tic selves. Another life coach is offer­ing a retreat in a Chalet in France. Her clients get to enjoy a truly unique cul­tural expe­ri­ence as they explore their own authen­tic pas­sions and potential.

Every­one deserves to go on adven­tures. Let your adven­tures begin!!