Resistance is always with us. Like fear, love, joy, sorrow…….resistance is a part of who we are. Resistance is that voice inside our head that tells us we can’t do something because we aren’t smart enough, don’t know enough, aren’t prepared enough……that no one will buy our service or like our product or like us.

Resistance dampens our spirit and weakens our resolve.

The funny thing about resistance though, is that resistance always arrives second.

Resistance is never the first thought we have about something. The idea, the positive thought, the desire, always arrives first.

We begin  changing our lives or doing something different by working on the idea or the dream. and on creating a plan that will bring our idea or dream to life. Then, just when we are at the point of getting really excited about what we are doing, that is when resistance appears. First as a subtle feeling of doubt, then as direct negative thoughts that stall us in our tracts and either sends is off to do more and more and more and more research, or by shutting down the idea or plan or dream altogether by convincing us that we cannot possibly accomplish any of what we want to do.

Have you ever had that happen to you?

I have it happen to me all the time.

Sometimes, it’s easy to ignore resistance or put it in its place and carry on towards fulfilling your idea, or carry out your plan, or bring your dream to life.

But when what you are after is important to you, when your dream or idea or plan is a part of your natural or essential self, that’s when resistance will be at its most convincing and its most convincing self. It is exactly these times when you need to resist resistance, to break your way through resistance and go after what you want full tilt, no holds barred.

Below are 7 effective resistance busters that you can use any time you find yourself up against a powerful wall of resistance:

     1) Trust yourself. You know, deep down in your soul, what you want, why you want it, and when you are on the right track to be living your best natural life. REmind yourself of this, no…..convince yourself of this every time you feel resistance creeping into your thoughts.

     2) Believe in the unbelievable.  Dreams do come true, people do live similar lifestyles to the one you are longing for, to the one you are trying to create for yourself. Read their biographies, follow their blogs, stay motivated. What you are trying to accomplish can be done!!

     3) Listen to your self-talk. Be aware of what you are saying to yourself and stop yourself from saying negative things about what you are trying to accomplish. Every time you ‘hear’ negative thoughts, replace then with a positive affirmation. You would be amazed at how much self-talk goes on inside every one’s head. make the best of it by getting your self-talk on your side, supporting you and everything you are trying to accomplish.

     4) Get your ideas down on paper. Start a vision board or, better yet, a vision journal that contains your vision pictures and your journaling all in one place. Vision journals that contain pictures of what your dreams are and what your ideas look and feel like, coupled with your writing about those dreams and ideas as if you were really, truly living them right now, this very minute, can be a very powerful resistance buster.

     5) Get in touch with your body compass. Your body compass is an amazing compass that will keep you on track to your best natural lifestyle, despite what your resistance is trying to tell you. Listen to your body. When your thoughts and ideas are not what is best for you, you will feel a negative feeling somewhere in your body – for example, your stomach might feel queasy, or your heart might feel heavy and black, or your whole body might feel heavy or shaky. Your body will also tell you when you are on the right track and when you are following your best authentic path – your body might feel light, open, excited, tingley, full of joy. Listen to your body, identify what feelings it is sending you when you are on the right track and then follow those feelings.

     6) Find support you can trust. Assistance, in the form of a friend, relative, or a life coach, someone who can assist you unconditionally and without any bias towards their own agenda or desires, can be worth their weight in gold at helping you bust through resistance and get on with creating and living your best life.

     7) Keep trying. The more success you have with busting through resistance when it get in your way, the more you will learn to cope with resistance when it returns – and it will return every time you are working towards accomplishing something fantastic in your life.

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