Holiday Magic LOA style


by: Anne Bolender

Over the last couple of days, Southern Ontario, where I live, experienced our first big snowfall of the season. Just in time to add a bit of Holiday Magic to our local Santa Claus parade!

And just in time to remind me that the Holiday Season has arrived! Whether I’m ready for it or not!

Good Grief, is there really only:

Five weeks until Christmas!!

Six weeks until the New Year!!

And at our house, there are birthday celebrations to plan and prepare for in December, January, and February!

Where did the year go?

All of those good intentions I had made after last Christmas – to do my Christmas shopping early this year; to bake and freeze batches of yummy holiday treats and nibbles; to plan menus in advance – didn’t happen. None of it!! Not one single good intention was carried out!

But all is not lost.

What I did do this year, however, was to incorporate more Law of Attraction practices into my daily life. Now, instead of anticipating the traditional feelings of stress and anxiety that tend to accompany the Holiday Season, all is good. Really! Although nothing I had wanted to have accomplished by now is done (or even really started) all is still good!!

This year I am setting the intention, right now, that this Holiday Season will be one of joy and happiness and ease. And I am dusting off several Law of Attraction techniques to focus on over the Holidays so that I can amp up my feelings of joy and happiness and easy over the Holidays.

This way, when the New Year begins in few short weeks, I will be prepared to hit the ground running – rather than needing a few weeks to relax and recover (unless relaxing and recovering is the right way for me to hit the ground running, we’ll see!)

Either way, I wanted to give you a heads-up.

For subscribers to my newsletter, once a week for the next six weeks, from now until 2015 arrives, I will share with you the Law of Attraction practices and strategies that I will be using to end this year powerfully and with ease, and to start manifesting some amped up awesome magic right from the get-go of 2015!!

Are you ready?? Good!! Let’s get started!!

Click here to sign up for my Clarity Newsletter now so you don’t miss any of the Law of Attraction practices and strategies that I will be sharing.

The first newsletter in this series will be heading to your inbox on Monday November 24th, just in time for Thanksgiving!!


Over the next six weeks, we can create an
amazing start to 2015.
Let’s do this!!
