your true desire is the one you enjoy the mostWhat is your true desire?

The only natural talent a person is born with is their true desire. Everything else is a skill that can be learned.

I read that comment the other day, and it had me wondering about what that meant in terms of helping a person create a life they love.

When you think about it:

~ An artist is born with a strong desire to create. A successful artist is an artist who puts time and energy into learning and developing their skills. And this time and energy would be something they enjoy doing, not something they struggle with.

~ An entrepreneur is born with a strong desire to have an impact, or with a strong desire to be financially independent, or with a strong desire to create and build a business. A successful entrepreneur is someone who is committed to developing the skills they need to succeed. And again, this commitment of time and energy would be something they enjoyed doing, not something they struggled with.

~ A modern nomad is born with a strong desire to travel and explore the world. A successful nomad is someone who enjoys developing the skills they need to make that happen.

~ The same can be said for any successful person. Their success always begins with a strong desire. And the time and energy required to build the skills to make their desire a success is something they enjoy committing to. At least, the commitment of time and the energy needed to improve their skills shouldn’t be a struggle or challenge for them.

Not sure what natural desire you were born to follow?

The following are a couple of ways to help you begin to identify what your true desire might be:

  • Where does your mind go when you daydream? Do you dream of writing a book? Or being a photographer? Or designing a building? Or being a Director of a large company? Or travelling to new and unfamiliar places?
  • Visit your local book store. Which section of the book store are you drawn to and could spend hours browsing through the books in that section? The travel and adventure section? The fiction section? The DIY home repair section? The business section?
  • Explore your personal library. What books have you bought, but particularly, what books have you read? Is there a link or connection between these books? 
  • What TV shows and movies do you love to watch? Do you prefer one’s that include lots of different locations in various countries around the world? Or do you prefer cooking shows, or shows about home renovation and interior decorating? Or murder mysteries? Or nature shows?

By exploring what you are drawn to, what you enjoy watching or reading or dreaming about, you can begin to identify the thread of desire that runs through everything you’re drawn to.

Are you drawn to creativity?

Are you drawn to problem solving?

Are you drawn to adventure?

Are you drawn to empire building?

Are you drawn to animals and nature?

Are you drawn to activities that require physical effort (building, crafting, cooking, DIY)?

Are you drawn to ………………….?

Once you’re aware of what you’re drawn to, you can begin identifying your natural desire, and start exploring what aspect of that desire you want to focus on. If it’s problem solving that you are drawn to, how do you want problem solving showing up in your life? Do you want to create crossword puzzles? Or troubleshoot for a large organization? That’s when you can begin building the skills you’ll need to begin successfully integrating that natural desire into your life.

What is your true desire?