Who Are You?

One of the most challenging personal questions to answer is the question “Who Are You?” or more accurately, “Who Do You Think You Are?” And that’s not meant as an insult or a put down. I’ve heard/read this question being discussed four...

Changing the World

Changing the world, even by one small step at a time can have an amazing, positive impact! There’s been a lot of news over the pst few years about Greta Thunberg, the twenty year old from Sweden, and her railing against a political system that is slowly letting...

Creating Your Own Luck Charm

Have you ever found a penny and chanted “Find a penny, pick it up. All the day you’ll have good luck!” I used to do that every time I found a penny, believing that I would be blessed with good luck, at least for that day. That’s how easy it is...

Resistance and the Shadow Career

No mat­ter how hard you try to ignore your nat­ural life.….to ignore the things you dream of doing, to ignore the lifestyle that should come eas­ily and nat­u­rally to you, to ignore the gifts you have to share with the world.…. the more your nat­ural life will shine...

Is Resistance Holding You Back?

Resistance is always with us. Like fear, love, joy, sorrow…….resistance is a part of who we are. Resistance is that voice inside our head that tells us we can’t do something because we aren’t smart enough, don’t know enough, aren’t...