2022 Tarotscopes

It’s that time of the year when we begin exploring what next year has in store for us. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy checking out my horoscope to see what the Astrological Stars and Planets are predicting. Last year I discovered that Tarot can also...

Are You Resisting Your Winks from the Universe?

Are you receiving little winks from the Universe encouraging you to go for it, but either aren’t noticing them, or talking yourself out of following through? What would our live’s be like if, instead of resisting the unexpected nudges, dreams, and desires...

Using Tarot as Your Business Coach

I’m a long-time fan of using Tarot for daily guidance. I’ve used Tarot off and on for the past couple of decades to help me gain clarity on large and small lifestyle transformations, as well as to help me sort out what I should be focusing on during the day.   My...

Resistance and the Shadow Career

No mat­ter how hard you try to ignore your nat­ural life.….to ignore the things you dream of doing, to ignore the lifestyle that should come eas­ily and nat­u­rally to you, to ignore the gifts you have to share with the world.…. the more your nat­ural life will shine...