image of the full moon half hidden by clouds over a beach with the moonlight glittering on the water. Test: re-enchanting your life membership
Image: a mature woman sitting in her garden, a blue butterfly sits on her fingertip.

$37.00 (USD) per month, stay as long as you’d like, you can cancel anytime through PayPal. 

 Imagine walking into your home through the door that you blessed, cleansed, and drew a protection and prosperity sigil on under the fresh coat of paint you recently applied. You’re consciously aware that stepping out of your street shoes just inside your front door, removing and hanging up your coat, and placing your keys in the special tray, are part of the intentional transition ritual you do every time you walk through your front door and leave the outside world behind.

Imagine calling on the energy of the new moon, the strength of the Elements, and the power of words to turn a coin into a Money Talisman.

Or adding the magick of Sigils to your daily journaling to create your own book of enchantment.

Or turning a recipe into a magick potion by intentionally adding a few carefully selected ingredients, along with some specific herbs and spices.

Or calling on Tarot’s wisdom to provide you with the guidance and advice you seek to create the life or business you love.

Tarot wisdom combined with everyday magick, Intuition, and practical actionable steps is the alchemy that can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and help you create a full life!

Here’s to your wildest dreams, to your big audacious goals, to living your best life! May Wisdom + Magick guide you to them in ways that flow with ease and delight, in ways that are both magical and mundane, and in ways that benefit all concerned.


Who is the Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership for?

The Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership is for:

      • anyone who yearns to be more adventurous, more self-reliant, more joyful, who wants to live a life of passion and purpose, who wants both financial freedom as well as lifestyle freedom…..but isn’t quite sure where to start or what to do.
      • the nearly and newly retired who are looking for ways to turn this time of their life into the best time of their life,
      • anyone who wants to become a solopreneur, crafting a business that supports their life,
      • anyone who wants to connect with, develop, and trust their intuiton

What’s included in the Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership? 

Each month in the Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership there will be:

      • a pre-recorded lesson, broken down into small modules,
      • weekly co-working/question and answer sessions,
      • pdf transcripts of each lesson,
      • exercises and worksheets,  
      • a private Facebook Group ………………………………W


What topics will be covered in the Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership? 

Each month in the Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership there will be a new topic, one that is focused on either magick or divination, plus plenty of support and guidance through Co-Working and Q&A sessions, along with a private Facebook Group to help you implement these skills into your life.


Topics will include:

  • connecting with and developing your intuition
  • intuitive Tarot and Oracle Cards
  • Sigils
  • Hypersigils (narrative magick journaling)
  • candle magick
  • manifesting by moonlight
  • creating Talismans
  • creating Servitors
  • food magick
  • and more


The Re-enchanting Your Life Membership’s objective, what you create and end up with:

  • magick and enchantment techniques that become an integral part of your everyday life. Magick and enchantment aren’t things you occasionally do, they become part of who you are.
  • magick and enchantment techniques that focus on you and the environment you create, rather than requiring you to rely on outside forces to create change. 



If the Re-Enchanting Your Life Membership has peaked your curiosity, then drop by and check us out.

 only $37.00 (USD) per month (less than the price of a cup of coffee a day!)

Stay as long as you’d like, cancel at any time.

Simply fill out the form below and click on the “Click Here to Join” Button to get started!

Image: a mature woman sitting on the ground in her garden.  looking at a blue butterfly that is resting on her fingertip.

$37.00 (USD) per month, stay as long as you’d like, you can cancel anytime through PayPal. 

Let your adventure begin!
starfish on a beach