Your One Month 

Empowered Coaching Package


Unlock the Life You’ve Dreamed Of: Discover Our Exclusive One Month Empowered Coaching Package

Imagine a life where your deepest desires aren’t just fantasies, but the vibrant core of your reality. Imagine a world where you, and only you, dictate the direction of your journey, crafting a lifestyle that’s not just successful but soul-stirring. Whether your dream involves steering a thriving online empire from the serene sands of a remote beach or kindling a life ignited by undying passion and purpose, it’s not just a possibility—it’s within your grasp.

What if you could weave a tapestry of abundance, painting your days with the hues of prosperity and fulfillment? 

Close your eyes for a moment and envision where you could be right now, living a life designed by your deepest desires..

Introducing the One Month Empowered Coaching Package, your bridge to a life you’ve only dared to dream of. This isn’t just coaching; it’s a transformational journey tailored uniquely to you. Dive deep into the well of your intuition, crystalize your desires, and emerge with a laser-sharp focus on how to bring them to life. With our expert guidance and one-on-one mentorship, you’re not just planning a dream life—you’re stepping into it, one actionable, tangible step at a time.


Imagine what you would be doing right now!


Your One Month Empowered Coaching Package includes:

1) Four weeks of one-on-one attention, assistance, and guidance that is focused on you and what you want to accomplish. 

2) Four 45-minute Coaching/Mentoring Sessions. The focus of these sessions are determined by you, based on what you are trying to manifest. Together we can explore any blocks or obstacles you might be pumping up against, and how to overcome these issues so you can continue to move forward. By the end of the month, you will have actionable steps that you can use to continue moving forward. 

3) 30 Days of unlimited email or text coaching. You can email me anytime during my office hours for additional support and accountability. You don’t need to ‘save up’ your questions or spend time feeling stuck between calls. My advice, my support, my mentoring, and my coaching is just a text or an email away.

4) Weekly worksheets. These worksheets will help you identify and focus on what you really want, will keep you motivated and focused between coaching sessions, and will provide you with inspired, actionable steps to follow.

5) Intuitive Tarot Readings. Start this coaching journey off right with a Tarot reading. Tarot readings are amazing tools that can help you dig deep into your desires, into what obstacles are challenging your ability to manifest your desires, and what actions you can take to overcome these challenges. Tarot Readings provide insights and clarity that is both unexpected and spot-on! As a Certified Professional Intuitive who has completed hundreds of accurate Tarot Readings over the years, I’ve discovered how powerful Tarot can be for helping clients gain Clarity.

If you have any questions about this Coaching Package, or would like more information or clarity on what is involved, please feel to email me at: