written by Anne Bolender

Recently, I have been learning a lot about the Law of Attraction and Deliberate Creation through a variety of sources, but mostly through reading and listening to the Abraham-Hicks materials, studying at the Good Vibe University and training to become a Law of Attraction Coach at the Good Vibe Coach Academy.

I’m sure most of you are aware of the Abraham-Hicks materials, so they probably need no introduction here. For anyone interested in the Law of Attraction and Deliberate Creation Abraham-Hicks material is an awesome place to start. These materials can be found online on the Abraham-Hicks website

I’ve also been deep diving into Deliberate Creation at the Good Vibe University, the home of Jeannette Maw and her tribe of a few thousand or so Deliberate Creators. If you haven’t seen this website, it is really worth an exploration. There is so much Law of Attraction and Deliberate Creation material there, and the people are great fun to talk to on the forums. In fact I became so captivated by the energy and information here that I have started training to become a Law of Attraction/Deliberate Creator Coach at the Good Vibe Coach Academy.

For someone like me, who has a very strong traditional Academic background, connecting with Law of Attraction (LoA) material was not that easy. I needed to suspend my disbelief and listen (really, deeply listen) to what was being said and what was being taught. It also helped that, at the Good Vibe University, a great deal of scientific information (including information on quantum physics and brain chemistry) was being mixed in with the more esoteric LoA material.

Still, falling back on my academic background, I do still find it difficult to connect with the LoA material and Deliberate Creation is still mostly theory to me, so I have decided to take this year and try applying these theories to my life.

Over this next year I will be sharing with you here on this website the methods and techniques I am using to gain clarity, to set my intentions, to follow my feel good, to manifest wealth, happiness and wellbeing, and to live my authentic life. I will share with you what I am finding that works, what doesn’t work, and what simply leaves me laughing really hard!!

So come join me and let the adventure begin.


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