JoyfulFarewell 2014. Welcome 2015. My Year of Clarity!!

by: Anne Bolender

The holiday season has arrived, and with it, the knowledge that another year has sped by. Time for some reflection, some expressions of gratitude, and some intention setting to get the new year started right!

For me 2014 was a “win-some, lose-some” kind of year. Awesome progress made in some areas, brilliant surprises in other areas, and some areas – well let’s just say these areas will be a great place to start the new year from.

From 2014, I am extraordinarily grateful for the people I met, the changes I made, the happiness I experienced, the adventures I had, the love I shared, and the occasional surprise that popped up throughout the year. 2014 was a very good year indeed!

How about you? How was your 2014 year?

One thing I did do this year that made me feel really good and that I am extremely grateful for, was that I had the time to read a lot, and from this I learned a lot.

In fact the book I am reading right now, the one I will be finishing off the year with, surprised me. Let’s just say I was directed to the book and have found it loaded with the wisdom that I needed to hear right now. The wisdom that will end 2014 with the perfect questions for me to explore in 2015!! Don’t you love it when that happens!!

The book is called _”Co-Creating At Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers.”_ – it’s the transcript of a conversation that took place between Esther Hicks/Abraham and Dr. Wayne Dyer not too long ago.

There is one quote in particular that is located half way through the book, that really has me buzzing. Abraham states –

“Accept that the opinion of Source and the opinion of you as you are focused in this moment, provide a Guidance System for you that could help you to get back online with _who-you-really-are_ and with what you came into this body intending to live.

Now that sounds a little bit like you’re a puppet on a string and that Source Energy has already defined what you’re supposed to live, but that isn’t what we mean at all. Your shifting through the contrast of your physical life has caused you to expand, and your _Inner Being_ has become the vibrational equivalent of all of that expansion. So when you care about the way you feel and you come into alignment with what feels good, you also become that expanded version right here and now. And then the first thing you feel is clarity. Clarity about which way to go. Clarity about whether to do this or not. Clarity about whether to have this conversation. Clarity about whether to invest in that, whether to marry them! Clarity. Because Broader Perspective knows _who-you-are_, knows everything about you, and is offering a very strong, very clear opinion.”

I love that idea – when you come into alignment with what makes you feel good, you gain Clarity, because what makes you feel good is your authentic path – the reason you are here!

And this is the lesson I take away from 2014: that through 2015 I will continue to align with the Path of Clarity, with the Path of Feel Good, and to live the life I came here to live and experience and enjoy.

So for me, my intentions for 2015 is that 2015 is going to be a year of expanded connection to the Path of Clarity, by following the Path of Feel Good. 2015 will be a year of new adventures, of challenging beliefs, of learning how to suspend disbelief, of overcoming resistance, and of stepping into my full alignment with Source and with my Clarity. And I might just learn a little Magick along the way to help Amp Up my Path of Clarity!!

I cannot wait!!

How about you? What intentions are you setting for 2015? What adventures are calling you?

Until next year!!
