Never Too LateOne of the stories we tell ourselves, especially as we begin to mature, is that it is too late to begin the process of transforming the life we are currently living into the life we were meant to live.

We get comfortable….the job we hate is, at least, familiar to us; the house we live in is perhaps not located where we really want to live, but at least we know the neighbourhood; those adventures we always promised ourselves we would take, we can still take next year or the year after.

That little voice inside your head keeps whispering, “Well, what if I fail?” or “What if I’m more unhappy after I change?” or “I can’t learn how to do that!!”

Resistance..the lizard or the gremlin or whatever you want to call that frustrating voice inside your head, knows exactly what to say to start causing self-doubt.

To make you second guess your ideas, your plans and your dreams.

But the truth about resistance is……….these are only thoughts!!….And thoughts can be changed…By You.

The reality is: It’s never too late to live the life of your dreams!

Well…what if you succeed and find that your new life is everything you have ever wanted….and more! What is you can learn to do exactly that and more?

You don’t know….you really, really don’t know, what you can do until you have tried it.

When I moved to New Zealand, I was convinced that it was exactly the right move for me and my family. Guess what!! It wasn’t. But no big deal, we moved back to Canada. We had had a great adventure, but living in New Zealand long term was just not for us. Would I do something like this again…Yes. In a heart beat. Because it was exciting. Even though I am a couple of decades older now than I was when we first moved overseas, I would still do it again.

Most limitations we ascribe to age are thoughts. And like I said above: Thoughts. Can. Be. Changed.

Try it!What If You Fly?

What have you been putting off because you thought you were too old to do? What adventures are you still dreaming of taking? Hobbies you still secretly wished you had started years ago? What is stopping you from trying them out.

No, seriously, what is really, really stopping you from giving it a go 🙂